Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Yay Wednesday night! Tomorrow I have the day off, so tonight I'm gonna party like it's.........Wednesday night!
I came dangerously close to adopting a dog tonight that looked like this:

Except she wasn't wearing a cut-up old sock. Then I put my foot down, and said I'd never get a dog that was from a puppy store in a mall, and that's FINAL. Plus, she was a lot of money. I won't say how much, but I started trying to figure out how much room I might have on each of my credit cards to buy her. I can't bear the thought of my little could've-been-baby sleeping in a glass window in that horrible pet store. She needs love and kisses, and a really fat orange cat named Fizzie to bond with. But I must be patient, the right dog will come along, and she'll be from a shelter and really, really need a loving home and a fat orange cat named Fizzie to bond with. In the meantime, Fizz will have to wait too.

I also want to say congratulations to Lisa, for getting a kick ass start on her book! I keep forgetting the name of the NanoMoBook thing she's doing, but dammit, she's off to a great start! Keep up the good work my sister, and one day maybe Hilary Swank will star in the movie version. Or maybe Charlize Theron, since she's the new Oscar-buzz girl. We should only be so lucky to have Charlize! She's from South Africa, you know.
Pip, pip! Cheerio!

*for British eyes onlyyyyyyy!*


Robert said...

I liked the pic litle puppy and of Fizzie. When did Fizzie learn how to dance? Fiz got some moves to challenge the 'Kitty Dance' cat. Oh... wait a minute... has Kitty Dance just been served?

Lisa Armsweat said...

(Thanks for correcting me on the Mayon-Egg thing. I feel ridickoolous.)

Fizzie is the most awesomest, bestest cat ever to grace this sorry excuse for a planet. I love him so much I think about him sometimes. I picture him in the shower, wearing a little shower cap and singing in a cat-voice. I think he would sing "New York New York" for some reason. And I also picture him cooking. He could make a souffle; of course he would be wearing an apron that says "Kiss the Fat Cat." Another thing I picture him doing? My taxes.
Is he going to be available this year to help me , or, what?

Lisa Armsweat said...

Just so you know-- Charlize Theron comes to us from the dusky corners of South Africa! I know you said it already in your blog, but this is a fact that can always bear repeating.

She is truly a gift to all of us.

Her mom killed her Dad, though. Not sure if that is a good thing or not.