Wednesday, November 16, 2005

OK Lisa, I'll play your game!
Let's see what Tricia needs.....
1.Tricia needs affection, stability and devotion, not charm and empty words. Tricia needs help, needs therapy, not the electric chair. This one is from a site named Princsstrish's Palace. 20 bucks says this girl reads Cathy cartoons and looooooves chocolate!
2.Tricia needs constant assistance to meet her personal care needs like dressing,toileting, bathing and eating. This one is true. I also wet the bed alot. ALOT. I guess my "toileting" needs work.
3.Tricia needs to apoligies for being mean to us. Okay, I'm sorry whoever you are. Now open a dictionary you stupid fucks.
4.tricia needs a nappie, tricia needs a nappie. This one's my favorite!
5.Know the campaign needs the money, but Tricia needs some clothes. Anyone want to
start "Togs for Tricia"?
Yeah, that's what I'M talkin' 'bout!!
6.Confidently Tricia conquers the dog walk. Descending the A-frame, Tricia needs to
hit the contact zone. After exiting the tunnel, Tricia sails over a bar jump.
All my life I've dreamed of sailing over a bar jump! I'm glad that I apparently accomplished this after exiting the tunnel. Also, I think I am a dog in this one. Cooool.


Robert said...

I know what I'm getting you for Christmas, a t-shrt that says 'Togs for Trish.' It sounds so damn funny!

Lisa Armsweat said...

Isn't "nappie" another name for diaper? Like, in British-speak or something?

brianna said...

Eeee!!! What a fun game! I love the nappie one. I did my name too and came up with some awesome ones. Too bad I don't have a blog...

There was one that said "Brianna needs to work on improving herself as a diva"

I thought I was doing just fine. Hrmph.