Sunday, November 13, 2005

I took the 80's character quiz today.
Apple Jack
You are Apple Jack from My Little Ponies! You love
fantasy and like to get lost in totally
unrealistic adventures. In the end, though,
you're all about goodness and truth and
partying at the Dream Castle with loads of good
(multicolored) friends.

Which Forgotten 80s Cartoon Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I was kinda of hoping for Lemon Meringue from "Strawberry Shortcake", b/c if you fart on a meringue, well it absorbs the scent. This is very funny to me.


lengli said...

I'm really ashamed to admit that I can no longer see the word "meringue" written without pronouncing it as "meren-GUE", the national dance of the Dominican Republic.

However, this quote (taken from here) shows the similar etymologies of both words, so maybe I have less to be embarrassed about.

"Merengue has existed since the early years of the Dominican Republic (in Haiti, a similar dance is called the Meringue). It is possible the dance took its name from the confection made of sugar and egg whites because of the light and frothy character of the dance or because of its short, precise rhythms."

Cue the star wipe and the "The More You Know" jingle.

Paul said...

I'm He-Man. I retook the test a number of times trying to get a Transformer before realizing that when you just choose to see all the results you find out that Transformers aren't even an option.

Lisa Armsweat said...

You clown. Always talkin' about farting on the meringue!
It's always "fart on this" or "fart on that" with you kids today.