Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Oh my god, I almost missed Thank God I'm Not In High School Anymore day! Whew, I'm getting these in just under the wire. I decided to post only dance pictures for now, since I thought it would be fun to have another day similar to this, where we can post other humiliating pictures from just a regular teen-aged day.
So here we go.

I call this one Western Harlet. Here I am, the very picture of elegance, straight out of a saloon in 1856. This was for my boyfriend Shecky's junior prom. You can see more of him here, coming soon to a theater near you. He plays Matt, apparently.
Anywhoo, I loved my dress, it's a Bestey Johnson. I wanted to look like a ballerina from a Degas painting, but instead I ended up an old west mess. i wore this dress a few years later to my friend Rob's prom, to much better results. But no sense in posting those. Now on to the next one...

Homecoming 1994. See the massively disappointed look on my face? Yeah, I wasn't so thrilled on this occasion. I was mad that my date Adam didn't dress up, and sad that Jen (far left, in the cape. Yay Jen! So goth.) got stood up by her date. OK, he DID call to say he couldn't make it, but still. Weak. Fucking weak.
But I was wearing a sparkly black dress that I borrowed from Lisa, and a pair of character shoes that I probably stole from Meadow Theater. Nice necklace too. The 90's were stylish times.

Now this is what I'm talking about! This is my senior prom picture, and boy is it telling. Here's me and Paul, my high school boyfriend, and we're completely stoned. Sorry mom, it's true. Come on, it's written all over our faces! We look retarded. I wore white stripper shoes with my sequined red dress (which I still love, since I was the only one not in pastel, and wearing something short. Hey Lisa did too! Maybe it's an Armsweat sisters thing. We like to stand out in the crowd!)
So moments before this picture, I broke the rose off of the stem on Paul's butteniere, and then stabbed myself multiple times with the straight pins to try to make the thing adhere to his lapel, to no avail. He pretty much just stood there smiling pretty much just like he is in this picture. I just wanted to sit back down and finish the lovely meal that had just been served to us when we got called for our picture. I had the munchies. I probably stank like pot smoke and rotisserie chicken in this picture.
So there we go! Who's up for either round 2, OR a new theme day??


Lanie said...
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Lanie said...

I was going to be a little disappointed if you didn't post any pics. I think we're lucky we went to high school in the midish 90s, the fashion wasn't near as bad as the 80s!

Oh, and that first pic, the western saloon is freakin cute as hell.

Lisa Armsweat said...

I wish you had included one of the photos of Old West Harlot Night where you had the shawl draped over your shoulders. You looked like you were waitin' for Doc Holliday...but only Shecky was there to be your huckleberry. (Aww, you STILL looked adorable that night!)

I refuse to comment on picture number 2. Except I think that polyester-blend dress of mine looked better on you than it did me.

Senior Prom. It was a proud moment to see my little sister all dressed up in the only bright color amongst the pot smokin' crowd gathered there on somebody's lawn for photos. I like your comment about stinking of pot smoke and rotisserie chicken, cuz I bet you did. Mmm, chicken.