Tuesday, May 24, 2005

OK Lengli, I'll play your game, you rougue.
The total volume of music files on my computer:Somewhere around 800MB. I just got my new computer, so I am slowly loading everything onto it. These things take time.
The last CD I bought was: Nine Inch Nails "With Teeth". I am so, so sad that we didn't get tickets to see them live. I only saw them once, and it was way back in '96 (?) when Trent toured with David Bowie. Sooooo good. They're playing here this Friday and Saturday night. *Shniff*
Song playing right now: "Run Through The Jungle", by Creedance. A total classic.
Five songs I listen to a lot or mean a lot to me, in no particular order:
-"That's Alright Mama", Elvis. I am a big Elvis fan, but I prefer young, idealistic Elvis. This song makes me think of him as an innocent with raw talent, not a big fat piece of strung-out crap.
-"Life on Mars?", David Bowie. This song is just so big and epic, it's great to paint to. But mostly it makes me think of my friend Chris, who gave me a shitty copy of Ziggy Stardust on a tape, and told me how his mother used to play it for him when he was really young, when other kids (me) were listening to the Cabbage Patch Kids record. Also, it makes me think of Bill Murray, and he makes me smile!
-"Angel" by Sarah McLachlan. I know, this one's cheesy. And I haven't listened to it in a while, but if it comes on it gets me all weepy. And here comes my depressing explaination, so I apologize in advance.
Lisa had just gotten the City of Angels soundtrack during the time that my mother had a brain aneurism. We didn't know if she was going to survive, and it was a really scary time. The night that it happened, Lisa stayed at the hospital with my mom, and my dad (my parents are divorced) came to stay with me for the night. I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't stop crying. Both of my grandparents had passed away, and all I wanted was to see them, and know that my mom would be okay. I could hear my dad crying downstairs, and that scared me even more. I put on the CofA soundtrack, and tried to calm down. I just sat in my window seat all night and listened to the whole soundtrack on repeat, and it made me feel a little better, and eventually I fell asleep. I listened to Angel any time I felt really scared, or when my mom was having another brain surgery, and it made me feel safe.
Okay, happier song!!
-"Army", Ben Folds Five. I don't like Ben Folds, I had an ex who listened to them non-stop and it drove me nuts. But this song I have to admit I like, it's just super catchy, and he mentions "Chick Fil-A". Mmmmmm.
-"Bloodletting" by Concrete Blonde. Actually the whole Bloodletting album. It reminds me of a simpler, more gothy time in my life! Ha ha! Trish wore all black!!
Who are you tagging and why?:
Kane-because after 3 years, there's still stuff I don't know about him!
Lisa-because she dodged Lengli's tag. Actually so did Kane...
Robert, Lani, Diana and Matt-because I'm curiouser!
Jenny-because I KNOW "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins has to be in one of your answers, Bitch!


Matthew said...

I also saw NIN back in the day on that tour with Bowie. That was back in the day when I think all I knew about Bowie was "Fame." Sad. I remember beforehand not being sure if I would even stay once the Bowie set started, but he blew me away, even with the far-from-at-his-best "Outside" material. Which is maybe part of why I haven't seen NIN in concert since.

Lisa Armsweat said...

This all reminds me that I need you to lend me your David Bowie CDs, m'kay?

I am surprised that one of us didn't put "Now You're a Man" or at the very least, "Don't Go Drinkin' My Splooge" down on our lists. Hm, does this concern you too, or am I the ONLY one here drinking her own urine? What? We were talking about... what again??

Lisa Armsweat said...

"Don't worry! I brought the paper towels!!"