Monday, March 28, 2005

We went to see the "Birds of Prey" show, but overall it sucked. The birds seemed disinterested and tired. Probably tired of this big fat bitch telling them what to do. Also, why is it that really fat people (especially really fat women) are drawn to Renaissance festivals and the like? Brianna brought up this question and after she did, I couldn't help but notice the large population of severely overweight women dressed in 16th century costumes. Lesson to all you dudes out there: Renaissance festivals are not the place to cruise for hot chicks I guess.

Anyway, the Bird show was pretty boring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why is it that so many goth girls are fat? i went to the Ren fair up here this summer. it seems that some goth-ish people are far too dedicated to the cause, i was never good enough to wear vinyl in the summer. too hot, and fat + vinyl + summer = nasty ass.

haha.....this is from amber by the way.