Monday, April 25, 2005

Two words: Timeless, and Classy. I'd be proud to display this fabulous depiction of wet, sweaty man-love in my personal art collection. And it's mine for only $45! Score!


lengli said...

My brother and I like to pretend when we go on vacations, that we are gay Hispanic interior decorators. I can all too easily incorporate this statue into our future visits to the Louvre: "Jyoo know what thees place needs? Some more statues of men having sex. Oh, and some palm trees."

lengli said...

Upon rereading, I think that comma I placed after the word "vacations" is unnecessary. I just wanted to indicate that so no one would think any less of me for scoffing at the rules of grammar. Cheers!

Little Silver Stars said...

I wouldn't think any less of you for scoffing at the rules of grammar. Sadly, I am getting used to seeing shitty grammar and spelling, especially at work. There's this one person who always puts apostrophes on possessive nouns, like "bag of emerald's" or "ring's and earring's". It is so annoying.
As annoying as Danzig.

lengli said...

Ooooh, I hate that. And I especially hate (and simultaneously love) when quotation marks are used inappropriately. Ever seen The Gallery of "Misused" Quotation Marks? If not, I guarantee you will find at least a good guffaw there.