Sunday, October 16, 2005

This just makes me sad. Can't people just lighten up for a minute and celebrate a day dedicated to fun and candy and pumpkins? People are too fucking sensitive now. One of the great things about Halloween is that it's for everybody- christians, jews, muslims, whoever. Anyone can put on a cheap plastic mask or some vampire fangs and be part of the holiday. This article is basically saying that Halloween is insensitive because it DOES exclude people. What people?? The people who believe in evil vampires? Are there any part-werewolf children in our schools who go home and cry to their were-moms about the unfair depiction of their species? Grow up. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Sad to think that it will probably all be gone completely one day.
Okay, angry blog over.
I don't have much time tonight, but I am going to post some of the pictures from Robert and Brianna's awesome wedding soon! We had tons o'fun, had a little bit much to drink, and on the drive home ended up making up jokes about transsexuals(?). Like "Tranny X-ing" and "Shhhh! Be Vewwy Vewwy quiet! I'm huntin' Twanny!". I don't know, it all made sense at the time.
Alright bitches. Trish OUT!

1 comment:

theghosher said...

Hey Trish! I Wrote about this exact thing last year.. it's pathetic how PC we've become:

Later Gater!