Thursday, September 08, 2005

This one's for you, BuckNasty.

"So there you are, Tubby. You look like a bucket of lard on a bad day. Baskin Robbins called, they said they're down to only 5 flavors. You're swelling up as I talk to you. Look at you. Hello Ice Cream! Having a good time? Running around??
Heh he he he! What are you laughing at? Cuz I called your friend a fat pig?"
"No, I was laughing about earlier, when you were talking to his belly."

If any of you haven't seen Dirty Work, do yourself a favor and see the film that Mother Theresa herself called "fucking rad".


Paul said...

I saw Dirty Work in the theatre. I love Norm MacDonald.

Lisa Armsweat said...

"OK, settle down prostitutes!"