Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sorry it has been so long since I last updated my blog--I've been without internet on my computer. (But now, thanks to Robert, I am free to surf for all the porn I want! Should I ever want to, that is.)I've also been spending 99.9% of my time looking for jobs, since I am currently without one. I'm hoping that will change this week, since I have applied to so many things that at least ONE is bound to give me a call. I hope. Gulp.
It's cool though, I'm handling my jobless-ness much better than I thought I would. I'm doing okay with money, and I've also been the most well-rested I've been since forever. Or at least since I got my hands on some Hybernol back in '99.
I've also had plenty of time to work on stuff for my website, so I'm hoping to photograph and upload it this week. Still only one sale on my website, but I'm hoping once word gets around to one day have at least 2-3 sales! So wish me luck with all the tens of dollars I'll be earning from my site this year.
Anyway, in the spirit of my new optimistic attitude, here are some things that make me smile:

Cute, chubby bulldogs who just lumber around, waiting for someone to drop any kind of food.

Seeing Kane get completely tackled by screaming & laughing children, who are pretending to be police dogs guarding their newly-captured prisoner.

Sweet little babies who ignore the noisy game and instead meticulously pick up pennies and dimes dropped from Kane's pockets and hand them to me, one by one and smiles the biggest smile you've ever seen when she is finished.

1 comment:

Lisa Armsweat said...

Ouch! That baby in the white dress is damn cute. I think I popped an ovum just lookin' at her.