Thursday, August 21, 2003

There are certain things that everyone in their 20's and 30's living in America are supposed to like. I really don't get it, beacuse I do not always appreciate these things. I'm sure that almost everyone reading this particular blog will disagree with me, but that's only natural. So here goes just a few:
#1. The Beatles. I don't get it. I really think their music sucks. They were four ugly guys from the U.K. who started "The British Invasion", beginning with their cheesy, light-hearted pop music, ending up with really long, trippy, rambling songs that let the world know "Hey, we've discovered LSD.". Now I can understand you liking the Beatles(excuse me, THE BEATLES, since it's a Holy diety I am talking about here) if you lived through that time period. You were there in the 60's and it must have been a flowery, tie-dyed experience for you, but what's up with the people my age? Guaranteed if you go into any dorm room in any college in America, or any small apartment occupied by a 20-something gen-X-er (is that still the term for us?), you will find either an "Abbey Road" or "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" poster tacked to the wall all crookedly.(Posters are cooler when hung crooked. Look at the set of any teen movie if you doubt me.) Oh, and there will also be a "Yellow Submarine" or "Hard Day's Night" DVD in their collection. Right next to "Hackers" and "Pulp Fiction".
#2. "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory". People will probably send me hate email over this one. EVERYONE loves this movie. I watched it when I was a kid, and I thought it was okay, but as I got older I liked it less and less. Charlie is played by the most boring, uncharismatic actor in the whole world, and something about the quality of film and sound, and the colors in this movie make me depressed. The scene where Charlie and Gramps float up to the fans used to really scare me, and the Oompa Loompas. They look like psychotic little murderous monsters, and I am pretty sure they raped that Violet girl after they rolled her out of the room. Scary! I am hoping the new one that Tim Burton is making is going to be good, especially since Johnny Depp is playing Wonka. I'm sure it will be. I mean, Roald Dahl HIMSELF hated "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory".
#3. The Real World or Road Rules on MTV. I get upset if I'm around these types of people at the movies or at the mall, why would I want to watch a show about them? This is really the first reality(and I use that term loosely) show on tv, and just in case you have never seen it, the cast is always the same: Drunk frat guy, slutty blond girl, slutty brunette girl, drunk frat guy #2, angry outspoken black girl and gay guy. They live in a nice house that they don't deserve, and go out and get drunk and hook up with each other and fight about absolutley everything. Road Rules is the exact same thing, except they are on a bus or a camper or something, and they sometimes stop at a place and do some wierd stunts. And everyone I talk to says, "Oh, I don't like that show either, EXCEPT for Season 3, when blah blah blah, or season 5, when yadda yadda yadda....". By the way, where does MTV get off still calling themselves MUSIC TELEVISION? Whatever happened to that pesky old "music" anyway? Oh, well, I'm off to watch Punk'd...
#4. Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck, Vin Diesel., Russell Crowe. Or as I like to call them, Date Rapist, Doughy-face, Date Rapist and Belligerent Drunk. These are the best "Heartthrobs"we can come up with? Wow.

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