Monday, April 24, 2006

It's times like these that make life worth living.
Blood Drips Heavily On Newsies Square
Don Knotts and the Newsies, together at last! Here is the summary:
Washed up actor Don Knotts shows up on the back lot of Universal Studios in Hollywood, California in hopes of landing a role in the new Disney movie, Newsies. Unfortunately director Kenny Ortega quickly dismisses Mr. Knotts and has him thrown off the lot. Mr. Knotts is quite upset by the turn of events, so decides to go on a killing spree, believing that if he can't have a role in the movie no one can. He knocks off one newsie after the next, each in a different and unique way.
Here's a list of how some of them die, which is just excellent. You have no idea how much this movie sounds like something I made up! If you knew me at all around age 13 and 14, then you know how I loved dem Newsboys. Okay maybe only my sister and Jen know, but Newsies was both a beginning to my love for Christian Bale, and also a huge source of demented and sarcastic inspiration. Jen and I wrote countless songs about the Newsies, each one funnier than the last, but probably only to us.
Anyway, I need to buy this movie. I already know it will be the greatest film ever made. I mean, one of them shits himself to death! Come on!

Laugh it up now, Newsies, for tonight you DIE.


Lanie said...

Trish, you should feel happy (maybe) to know that at the age of 14, I too was a huge newsies/newsboy fan. I even dressed as one for halloween. Oh, and my oh my what a crush i had on Bale. So cute indeed.

Caroline said...

I LOVE Newsies to an alarming extent. It is not underground but it is not well known and I have become really close to three different people simply because they knew the score. It is one of those "are you super-cool and good at heart" litmus tests that we need in this often savage modern world. I really want to leave work and go hoime and wtach it...5 or 6 times. Newsies forevah!

Fraulein N said...

I adore me some Newsies and of course L-O-V-E Christian Bale, but damn if Blood Drips Heavily on Newsies Square doesn't crack me up. Hmm, now I've got Newsies songs in my head. Squee.

Lisa Armsweat said...

I can't begin to tell you how often I heard the strains of "Carrying the Banner" drifting through our home. (For some reason that line "Since when did you become a mudder?/ Hey fellas we got work to do" is in my head.)

Why were those little boys so turned on by...Ann Margaret? I just didn't get it.

The movie does teach a valuable historical lesson about Hearst. Only thing is, I can't for the life of me remember what that lesson is.

Who wants to chip in some dough so I can buy Blood...Square for Trish's birdday? It can be from all the bloggers.