Thursday, February 16, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mom!
To celebrate her birthday, I cooked chicken parmesan and had everyone over to hang out. It was a good time, here's some pictures of the festive-ness!

After dinner we all danced around to some Johnny Cash (as sung by Joaquin Phoenix, who mom declared "doesn't sound like Johnny.") Here's mom, dancing to "Cocaine Blues". Mom rules!

Here's the men watching the dancing, and wondering where else they could have been tonight.

Here's me and mom, right after I peed my pants. I was really excited it was her birthday!

Lisa and Greg helped us clean up, but somehow Lisa ended up with shit all over her face.

You'd be surprised how many nights with my sister end up like this. Actually, maybe you wouldn't.
After mom went home, the four of us watched the Star Wars Holiday special. This is Chewbacca's son, Lumpy.

Precious, isn't he? Yeah, I don't think so either.


Lisa Armsweat said...

Ahhh, thank you for posting these pictures. It was a lot of fun and your food was MM-MMM good. It was a good night!
Except for that Star Wars holiday special, because oh my God, how long can we listen to Wookies going "GGGGHHHHGGG!"? But still, I did enjoy it on some depraved level and was glad to finally see it after hearing so much about it. (Especially Beatrice Arthur singing "Good Night My Friends" in that wacky Star Wars bar-- can you believe all the creatures in there? And hey...!)

Actions and Consequences said...

Great hair.