Thursday, May 20, 2004

Last night was the big finale of Angel. It was eeeehhhh. I mean I liked it, but when "Buffy" ended I was all crying and broken up. With Angel, I was just glad Spike and Ilyria survived (at least until the end). I really love Joss Whedon, but I just think David Boreanaz ruins everything. Maybe that's unfair, but he's definitely not who I would have originally chosen to play Angel, that's all I'm sayin. And I know, willing suspension of belief, but if all Angel drinks is blood, how did he get so fat? That man is one tubby mutha. James Marsters (Spike) has managed to maintain some consistancy in his looks since he started on Buffy way back, he stays very thin, bleaches his hair all the time, stays out of the sun, but old Davey doesn't seem to have that kind of a commitment. Even when he wasn't sort of a fatty, he still looked too much like a football player to be believable as a centuries-old vampire lurking in the shadows. And has his hairline been creeping down towards his eyebrows a little more with each passing year, or is it just me? So anyway, to the cast of Angel, well done. To David Boreanaz, eehhhhhhhh.

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