Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Taryn gave me this pamphlet that arrived in the mail this morning at the office. I don't know what's worse: the title (Messages of the Stars? How new-age cheesy can you get? I know what she's trying to say, but the wording just ain't right. "Dear Polaris, Don't forget to pick up milk. Love, Orion's Belt"), or that this poor girl looks like she has a black eye. It's called concealer, Honey. Use it if your man popped you in your right eye last night because his dinner wasn't ready on time. And next time you better make damn sure that supper is on the table at 6 o'clock SHARP. You hear me?? Love, The Stars.

1 comment:

Lisa Armsweat said...

I like the phrase, "The Stars have schmutz on their teeth." I know this lady has a gap, but there's always the possibility that the dark spot in her smile is really just a little schmutz in there.