Since Lisa is posting some old family pictures, I figured I should contribute a little. Since there's such a demand for these, you know. This is from a fine day in the summer of 83, when our family went to Sesame Place. Here we are on Sesame Street, that's me down in front(I'm the white one), looking unimpressed, probably thinking about hot dogs or ice cream or some kind of food. That's my dad front and center. He's making his,"Jesus Christ just take the damn picture and let's get the hell out of here and go get a hot dog" face. And that's Lisa in the background, smiling brightly in her nautical-themed swimsuit, apparently unaware that The Count is lurking in the window behind her. The Count was like Lisa's biggest fear when she was little. When he would come on TV, she would run and hide behind my mom. Mom would usually give her a hot dog to calm her down. No wait, that was me. And I wasn't afraid of The Count, I was just hyperventilating because the neighbor's cat was in our yard.
But Hot dogs have very calming effect, that's my point.
I love so many things about this picture. 1) Dad is sunburned and his hair is frizzy from humidity 2) There's a shirtless little kid on the far right who looks like he is puking over the steps. 3) Kid also has skin and muscle tone of an undercooked pork chop. 4) Black girl in front is along for the ride 5) Matching girls on the left-- always wondered what they were so excited about. 6) I am displaying the modeling pose that got me all the way to the final auditions for America's Next Top Model. 7) You have DOOOOOF mouth!
You're a dick!!!
I don't have DOOOF mouth, I have "I'm standing in a pile of dog crap" mouth.
There's a difference!
I bet those two matching girls are all excited over some hot dogs! There's probably a vendor over der. Maybe that's what made the kid puke over the side of the steps up there.
You should know Mom almost traded up up for a hot dog once. You were in a stroller. It was gonna be a straight up trade. I don't remember what happened after that, only that suddenly Mom was gone and you were sitting in a pile of dog shit. And I had me a hot dog (on a bun, nonetheless).
Mamma always loved hot dogs. 'Specially italians!
I meant to say "traded YOU up for a hot dog once."
See what happens when one ingests too many hot-doggy goodness? The typing skills begin to go first. And one smells a bit like processed pork when one breathes.
Pork breath kills Jews.
I read that somewhere.
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