This afternoon I was sitting at my desk, soldiering through the after-lunch slump, when I thought that maybe in my next post I should fake my own death. Not for real, just to see who'd send me flowers. Then, I'd post again, and be like, "Hey, it's me!! I'm alive and well! Sending flowers wasn't so hard, was it Blog readers??! Well, my birthday's June 13th. Get ready to send some more. And for the record, I don't care for carnations, LARRY.". This part would be especially funny because I don't know anyone named Larry.
Anyway, I decided not to do it.
Tonight me and Kane and Lisa (Or Lisa, Kane and
I, if you are an English teacher reading this) are going to see "
Team America". I haven't been this excited for a movie since, ummm, probably "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabahn". I never go to movies on opening night, but Matt& Trey are two of my favorite people in the world so I'll risk it. Kane and I just have bad movie-luck. Every time we go, someone ends up sitting in front of/directly next to us, and they talk during the whole movie, or keep getting up, or their cell phones ring, or their newborn baby starts screaming. And opening night of a movie is usually the most crowded it gets, so our chances of a pleasant movie-going experience are even slimmer than usual. When we went to see "28 Days Later" (Not to be confused with the Sandra Bullock Alcoholic Farse "28 Days"), and the entire beginning of the movie is silent, as the lead character awakes from a coma to find that everyone is gone. It's a very eerie and well-done scene, but not when some black girl sitting behind you shouts out "This movie's too
QUIET.". Then she has a kid who keeps pulling on the back of your chair(Why do people need rocking movie theater seats anyway?) and grabbing your hair along with it. On top of that, the only seats available were front row, right corner. It was awful.
And that's what you gotta know, everybody.