Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's almost my birthday!!! YaY!!!
To celebrate, Kane and I are going up to Prescott today (I almost forgot it's already Tuesday!) with Brianna and Robert to see a Weird Al concert. I can't think of a better way to spend my last night as a 27 year old!

Sooooo, pink blog? Yay or Nay?

As Steve Brule would say,"Fashion Victim or Fashion Slave---you make the CAll.".


Lisa Armsweat said...

I'm going with YAY on this one. Because hot pink makes ya think, of course. :)

Have a fun trip to Preskitt!! Maybe at THIS Weird Al show, security won't be all pissed if a conga line erupts during "Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota."

Naynayfazz said...

I don't normally like pink but I like the flowered look. So I second the "yay". I left you a message on Lisa's blog before I rememberd, duh, you have a blog too!

lengli said...

Happy Birthday Gemini twin! I just read the stunning tribute on Lisa's blog - hope your 28th year keeps you free of robotic urinary tract infections!