Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful 2007 so far. Enjoy it while it lasts, because I heard today that a meteor is gonna hit Earth in 2029 and kill us all.
On that note, here's my current favorite clip from The Brak Show:


Coming soon to my website, The Brak Necklace!!!! Yay!
I drew Brak myself on shrinky dink paper, then colored him and baked him till he shrank, then made a necklace out of him! You can't tell from the picture, but the dark stones are actually navy blue with glittery specks, called blue goldstone. Very pretty and inter-galacticy, just like Braky Wacky!


What do you think? I plan on making a few more of these, although probably not with the same beads, since goldstone like this is hard to find. I also really hope this wouldn't be some kind of a copyright violation, because that would suck. Far be it from me to actually research that stuff.
Anyway, when that killer meteor hits, I know I wanna be wearing a super-awesome Brak necklace. I don't know about you.

1 comment:

brianna said...

Woo boy! Heeeeeey buddy! That's a pretty nifty necklace!! Brak himself is pretty nifty. Yay!